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Ainitosh Solutions

How To Use Instagram To Grow Small Businesses

The past few years have shown an enormous boom in the digital economy. Social media has been a beacon of hope for several businesses during the pandemic. Platforms like YouTube, Facebook, Instagram etc. have enabled content creators and business owners to endorse their products and services. They have become a platform for marketing and brand endorsements. In this article I will take you through various reasons how Instagram helps and impacts businesses.

Instagram Marketing To Grow Small Business

Speaking specifically about Instagram, it takes the lead in being the app that best markets the brand.

1. Impeccable Visual Design And Large Audience

The reason behind Instagram being such a trusted app for marketing your businesses digitally is because of its visual design. Its human psychology that visuals are more appealing than text. According, to a Survey 40-45% of people respond better to visual content/graphic content than plain text. Visual content makes information more engaging and easy to comprehend. Apart from the visual aspect, Instagram has 1.393 billion active users which makes it a great hub for marketing your brand.

2. Builds Trust Among Customers

Instagram has also been found to build trust among users or customers. When you have a verified account with a good number of engaging posts that get the requisite amount of likes and comments, it instills a sense of trust in the mind of the consumer towards your brand. Many customers are influenced by the social media handles of the small business or brand.

3. Increases Customer Engagement

Instagram is an excellent tool for increasing customer engagement. The power of scrolls is unprecedented. Instagram can have the customers and viewers glued to the screen for long hours. So, all your business needs is a way to capture the attention of the customer and there is no better place than an engaging Instagram page. There are other ways of increasing the engagement through contests, giveaways, etc. which would help in driving the traffic to your website.

4. Helps to Target Your Audience

The beauty of Instagram is that any size of business can thrive. It provides you with a global reach and helps you target the right audience for your product. Businesses can make money directly from Instagram by using the ‘Shop Now’ Tab. Instagram has also lead to a new term called ‘Influencer Marketing’ where any brand or business can collaborate with influencers or content creators to market their products or services. Instagram Ads can help drive the right traffic to your page and help you reach new customers with the help of specific demographics and collect valuable user data that can aid in the formation of other social media marketing campaigns.

5. Instagram Insights

The feature that I have found most fascinating in Instagram is the ‘Instagram Insights’. This provides the business owners with the data and analytics about how their posts are performing on Instagram. It gives them insight about what works and what doesn’t. Instagram Insights shows you about the change in the number of followers, number of likes that you have got on your posts, reach, profile views, number of website clicks, email clicks etc. It also provides you with detailed demographics like their age, gender and location when you reach around 100 followers.

 There are other tools also apart from Instagram that can help you with analytics about your Instagram performance. I would like to conclude by stating that a strong digital presence is of utmost importance in today’s times for any business. Instagram can help in increasing the sales of your business by tenfold if it used in the right way.

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